Interview with Devika on fetishization
Exploring the fetishization of Indian Women
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Much can now be said of the early indologists and anthropologists that explored the so-called 'primitive' cultures of other civilisations. Whilst this intellectual enquiry is not a new phenomenon.
Will the reductionist methodology of modern clinical medicine be enough to solve these enduring and complex problems?
What role, if any, can other forms of medicine play?
Through her essay entitled as contributing author inSnehal explores the various accounts of Ayurvedic practice in the UK and how it compares with modern medicine. The essay asks some pertinent questions relating to its regulation, legitimacy, and dissemination of accurate information to ensure a healthy utilisation of both Ayurvedic and Modern medical practice.
Snehal Shah recently completed the Tattva Authorship Programme to publish her seminal work on Ayurveda, advocating for a better understanding of its uses in modern day practice.
Dr Vibhuti Patel has a Ph.D. in Analytical Biochemistry from the University of Warwick and currently works for the University of Cambridge as a head of team supporting researchers to rake their discoveries into real-world applications.
20:30: Welcome and guests take their seats
20:35: Dr Vibhuti Patel in conversation with Devika Jina
21:00: Q&A and Refreshments